Friday, 14 November 2008

The Saatchi Gallery

New Art From China fills 13 galleries over four floors. There were no rope barriers, no benches, and there was a lot of space. A fallen angel, a giant turd full of semi-digested toy soldiers, a stuffed donkey, Giant insect skeletons, 13 world leaders careening about in motorised wheelchairs, a naked girl sitting open-legged on a stool, bodies hanging from the ceiling by their feet, yet, I wasn't blown away. I must admit, I did like the gallery that acted as a sort of homage to Chairman Mao. Ever since I was young I have been familiar with the political leader as my dad used to have a watch with Mao Zedong chain-smoking in time with each second, and I loved it! There was Mao on the front of a tin of quaker oats, Mao with the Queen Mother, and Mao with Churchill.

(Zhang Huan - Ash Head No1 2007)

(Zhang Hongtu - Long Live Chairman Mao 1989)

(Sun Yuan & Peng Yu - Old Persons Home 2007)

(Li Yan - Accident No.6 detail 2007)

(Liu Wei - Love it! Bite it! 2005)
(Fang Lijun - 30th Mary 2006)

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